Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Prehistorica Dinosaurs

Genre: Nonfiction
Author: Robert Sabuda
Illustrator: Matthew Reinhart
Awards: none
Grade level: 1st-4th

This is an amazing pop-up book that gives a lot of factual information about dinosaurs. This book shows the information in an extremely creative way that children will definitely love. The pop-ups throughout the story will capture any students attention and make them want to read and learn more about the dinosaurs. Throughout the book, there is one main dinosaur on the page and this is the largest pop-up of the page. While reading more facts about dinosaurs, the students can pull back tabs on the page with even more pop-ups and more facts for the student to learn.

This book is amazing and I definitely want this book in my classroom. I probably won't keep it in the classroom library since it is a pretty fragile book, but I want it to be available to students when they would like. I chose the age range to be 1st-4th because younger students might tear the pages and pop-ups, and they wouldn't be able to read the small print throughout the pages. I would use this book in my classroom at the beginning of a unit with dinosaurs to grasp the student's attention and get them excited to learn about dinosaurs.

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