Genre: Fantasy/Science Fiction
Author: P.C Asbjornsen and J.E. Moe
Illustrator: Marcia Brown
Awards: none
Grade level: K-3rd
I actually discovered this book this year and fell in love with it! It is about three billy goats crossing a bridge, and they can't get across because this big mean troll wants to eat them. The first billy goat convinces the troll not to eat him because he is very tiny, and the billy goat after him is bigger. Then the second billy goat crosses and convinces the troll not to eat him because the billy goat after him is the biggest and strongest. When the third billy goat tries to cross and the troll stops him and claims he is going to eat him, the big and strong billy goat charges at the troll and uses his big horns to knock the troll right off the bridge, and the big billy goat and the other two billy goats enjoy the grass on the other side of the bridge.
I would read this book in my class, I think it is a fun book to read to children. It is also repetitive with each billy goat, and I think the children would enjoy repeating the words as the story goes along. I think a good range for this book is K-3rd because children will enjoy reading or hearing this through a read aloud. In my classroom, I might introduce the book as a read-aloud or have children explore the reading on their own and write about it in their reading logs.
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