Thursday, September 27, 2018

I'm Still Here in the Bathtub

Genre: Poetry
Author: Alan Katz
Illustrator: David Catrow
Grade level: Kindergarten-3rd Grade

This book is a collection of a variety of poems, but each poem is to the tune of different songs! After each title of the poem, in parenthesis, it says what the poem is to the tune of. I absolutely love this! It is so creative, and each poem is completely different and unique! Throughout the book there are also many illustrations on each page that relate to the poem, and I think the illustrations are really unique and creative. 

I would definitely use this book in my classroom! I think it would be so fun to review the poem together and then sing the poem to the tune of the assigned song. The reason I think an appropriate grade level is Kindergarten through 3rd is because in Kinder we could read the books together since some of the writing is a bit advanced, and even in 3rd we could still read the poems and sing them together, but they would also be able to explore the book on their own. There is some rhyming in the poems so it's a good book to use to practice the students rhyming words in a fun way!

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