Monday, November 5, 2018

The Icky Bug Alphabet Book

Genre: Nonfiction
Author: Jerry Pallotta
Illustrator: Ralph Masiello
Awards: none
Grade level: K-2nd 

This is an alphabet book that gives many facts and pictures about different bugs students may encounter. This book is extremely colorful, and the layout is simple and easy for younger students to understand what the different bugs are and which letter of the alphabet that bug correlates with. This book is great because students can learn the letters of the alphabet while learning about many different interesting types of bugs.

I would definitely have this book in my classroom! It is an informative book that allows students to learn about bugs and the alphabet. I chose the age range to be between K-2nd because it allows younger students to learn about the different bugs as well as the alphabet, and for older students who already know the alphabet they can learn more interesting facts about these bugs. I would use this book to have students think about the alphabet and create their own alphabet book similar to this one.

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