Monday, November 12, 2018

Nine Days To Christmas

Genre: Nonfiction
Author: Marie Hall ETS, Aurora Labastida
Illustrator: Marie Hall ETS
Awards: Caldecott award
Grade level: 1st-3rd

This book is about a young girl named Ceci who lives in Mexico and is looking forward to the Posada celebration, which are parties leading up to Christmas. Ceci is so excited because this year she gets to hold her own party and even pick out the pinata that will be at her party. She decides on a beautiful Pinata that represents the Christmas star but becomes sad when the time comes to break the star just because of how beautiful the star is. Ceci discovers that even though the pinata is destroyed, it meant so much to her and the Posada. 

This book is amazing and really explains the culture of Mexico! Even though the little girl telling the story isn't real, the culture and Posada's described really represent the Mexican culture. I would definitely have this book in my classroom because of the diverse culture displayed! I chose the grade level for 1st-3rd because it is perfect for younger children! Even if they are unable to read the story, the pictures are amazing! I would use this story around Christmas time to show how Christmas is different throughout cultures. 

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