Monday, November 12, 2018

Families are Different

Genre: Realistic fiction
Author: Nina Pellegrini
Illustrator: Nina Pellegrini 
Awards: none
Grade level: K-2nd 

This is a beautiful story about two young Korean girls who are adopted by two Caucasian parents. Nico, one of the daughters, expresses her concern to her parents about feeling different. Most of her frustration is coming from the fact that her two best friends look like their parents but Nico doesn't look like hers. The story is the parents comforting Nico and telling her about all the different types of families out there, and reassuring her that no two families are alike. Nico realizes that it's okay to be different and knows that she is loved by her parents.

This is a great book to teach children about diversity and I would definitely have this book in my classroom. I chose the grade level to be K-2nd because it's a great simple book for younger children to explore on their own and learn more about how each family is different. I would use this book to teach children that each of us our different and we each come from different families.

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