Monday, November 5, 2018

Digging Up Dinosaurs

Genre: Nonfiction
Author: Aliki
Illustrator: Aliki
Awards: none
Grade level: 1st-3rd grade

This is a creative book that gives a lot of facts about dinosaurs in a unique way. It talks about many different dinosaur fossils at the museums and surrounding those dinosaurs are many people talking and giving speech bubble facts about the different dinosaurs. After discussing 5-6 dinosaurs, the book then talks about how dinosaurs are found and how difficult it is to be able to complete a whole dinosaur fossil.

This book gives a lot of information about dinosaurs in a fun way for students to stay entertained while reading. I would definitely use this book in my class because it allows students to learn about dinosaurs in a fun way. The appropriate grade level is 1st-3rd grade because the vocabulary is simple enough for younger students to understand, but also gives a variety of detailed information about dinosaurs and fossils. I would use this book during the dinosaur unit and pair it with a dinosaur fossil discovery activity. 

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