Thursday, September 27, 2018

Home Sweet Home

Genre: Poetry
Author: Jean Marzollo
Illustrator: Ashley Wolff
Awards: None
Grade level: Kindergarten-2nd Grade

This book is about all of the different animals on earth and how Earth is their home. The illustrations in this book are truly amazing, and even though there aren't many words throughout the pages, the illustrations are definitely a huge part of this book. The words in this book are simple and have a consistent rhythm as well as rhyme. Throughout the book, the author consistently says "Bless each___" and then lists an animal, and at the very end she says "Bless each birth on our home called Earth." I really enjoyed this because it's very beautifully illustrated and also allows students to realize that animals have homes on Earth as well and they live here just like we do.

I would definitely use this book in my classroom. I think it is a great book for younger students to read, and I think the illustrations would help guide the reading. An appropriate grade level for this would be K-2nd. In kindergarten, I would probably do this as a read aloud first, but in 2nd grade, the students would definitely be able to explore the book on their own. This book would be good to explore the different animals, or just introduce students to different types of rhyming words.

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